Ingrowing Toe Nails &
Nail Surgery

Ingrowing toe nails can be very painful and require antibiotics. They can be caused by poorly cutting of toe nails, trauma or the shape of the nail.
If the problem persists or conservative treatments have been ineffective giving relief then nail surgery may best long term solution.
To be considered for nail surgery you need to be an existing patient who has visited us for a routine appointment or have been referred by another healthcare provider. This allows us to determine whether you are suitable for the surgical procedure and to discuss treatment options with you. Following this a joint decision between yourself and your Podiatrist has to be made regarding your treatment and a full explanation of the procedure involved. The Podiatrist will endeavour to answer any questions you may have regarding the operation.
There are two types of of nail surgery:
Partial where part of the nail is removed.
Total where the entire of the nail is removed.
The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic.
Following the procedure a follow up appointment is arranged approximately 2 days later to change the dressing and assess the wound(s). A further review appointment is arranged approximately 2-3 weeks later to assess how the wound is healing. If there are any other queries or concerns between appointments then you are encouraged to email or make an appointment to see the podiatrist. There are no additional charges for further review/redressing appointments relating to the nail surgery.
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